Artworks by Michael Waizman

Michael Waizman Artwork Michael Waizman was born in 1966 in a northern Israel town of Migdal Ha’Emek, situated in Galilee.

Michael Waizman was born in 1966 in a northern Israel town of Migdal Ha’Emek, situated in Galilee. From an early age Michael directed his energy and creative talent towards experimenting with various art forms. Schools hours were spent on sketching, drawing and simple doodling rather than listening to his teachers.

During his twenties, in addition to working as an artist, Michael found a business interest in silk printing techniques which were intended for industrial and commercial purposes. The silk printing techniques, also known as screen printing or serigraphy, have been embraced by many of the major Pop-Art artists such as American artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and others.
With the years, the development of computerized graphics hasprovided many new and exciting opportunities for Michael, opportunities which he embraced as part of his artistic language and artistic form of expression.