Paintings by Anna Dart

Anna Dart painting Anna Dart (Switzerland), is a multifaceted and a largely self-taught artist who promotes ecological, climatic and social sustainability as well as mental health.

Anna Dart (Switzerland), is a multifaceted and a largely self-taught artist who promotes ecological, climatic and social sustainability as well as mental health.

Anna Dart paints in a style that echoes works of the greats such as Malcolm Liepke, Singer Sargent, Egone Shiele and Francesco Hayez, to create portraits with an erotic potential that are both visually familiar and wholly unique.

Anna paints ordinary people of the modern digital century who appear to be inhabitants of the big cities and their own solitude. Versed in the self-projection with a sense of perpetual discovery the characters desire to connect in a profound way, to be with someone, to be loved and understood. It is all about intimacy: magnetic and sensual they let to be looked at in a return of a provocative, almost erotic gaze as an invitation to let to their personal world. It is all about a slow life: they touch, they breath, they listen, they honestly admire each other.