Paintings by Carla Grace

Carla Grace Art ⓖ Carla Grace is a self taught artist with a love for wildlife and beautiful, high quality art work. Born in South Africa, Carla has immigrated 5 times and currently lives in Australia.

Carla Grace is a self taught artist with a love for wildlife and beautiful, high quality art work. Born in South Africa, Carla has immigrated 5 times and currently lives in Australia.

With a childhood that was dominantly based in Africa, she was able to experience wildlife in a way that has become the foundation of her vision: Where wildlife breathes through art. “Wild animals were always a part of our lives in Kariba (Zimbabwe, Africa), it was so normal for an elephant to walk through our yard, or for us to drive into the savannah for the afternoon to watch the herds graze as the sun set. I miss this, and want to share the tangible presence of wild nature with as many people as I can”.