Paintings by Dmitry Spiros

Painting by Dmitry Spiros Dmitry Spiros (born 1971), is a contemporary impressionist artist, currently resides in Cancun, Mexico.

Dmitry Spiros (born 1971), is a contemporary impressionist artist, currently resides in Cancun, Mexico. The subjects of his paintings are mainly urban scenes, genre paintings, the sea, flowers and portraits. Most of Dmitry’s paintings were created using a palette knife, oil and acrylic paints.

In the 90s, Dmitry studied art, ceramics and the history of painting, graduating from college with honors in 5 years. Dmitry also taught painting and collaborated as a designer at the British-American tobacco giant BAT and Nestle. In 2011, Dmitry Spiros came to Mexico, falling in love with the beauty of Mexican beaches, the warm Caribbean Sea and the rich archaeological heritage of the area. This environment, so ideal for creative work, and the variety of its colors inspired Dmitry to spend most of his time drawing. Dmitry Spiros’ works and his participation in several charity auctions continue to attract more and more attention.