Paintings by Hasan Saygin

Hasan Saygin painting Hasan Saygın was born in 1958 in the Karamanlı district of Burdur (Turkey). He spent his childhood in primary and secondary school in Karamanlı.

Hasan Saygın was born in 1958 in the Karamanlı district of Burdur (Turkey). He spent his childhood in primary and secondary school in Karamanlı. In those years, while he was working with his family in the beet, anise, onion and wheat fields during the summer holidays, he was always interested in painting.

His father, who was a shoemaker, used to draw patterns on the cigarette pack he threw while watering beets with a small pen he carried in his pocket. Although his talent was noted by his teachers, he could not get help. A high school art teacher said one day, “Hasan, don’t think that one day you will display your paintings in galleries and earn a living.”

After high school, he entered the Istanbul State Academy of Applied Fine Arts in 1977. Among his teachers were Balkan Naci Islimyeli, Hüsamettin Koçan, Ergin Inan, and Mustafa Pilevneli. In 1980, he had the chance to go to Paris for three months and see it. He learned a lot in museums and galleries. After continuing his education for two years, he left school and returned to Paris in 1982 and settled. He married a French woman and they had two children.

He worked with “Galerie 26” in “Place des Vosges” in Paris for ten years. Apart from this, Hasan Sayginheld personal exhibitions in galleries such as “Galerie Vendôme” and “Galerie Michele Boulet” in Paris. He participated in many group exhibitions and received awards. There are many works in the collections.