Paintings by Li Lian Kolster

Li Lian Kolster Painting Li Lian’s art is rich in symbolism and often explores her own personal transformative journey of healing with plant medicine.

Li Lian Kolster is a predominantly self taught artist based in England. After an academic background in science, she began creating realistic pencil illustrations by combining her eye for detail with her love for natural forms and travel.

In 2013 she began learning acrylic painting whilst living in the Peruvian Amazon and studying indigenous plant medicine. After an initial guidance under Luis Tamani she continued to teach herself painting whilst living in strict isolation and immersed in the rainforests for 8 months. With heightened senses and a connection to inner and shamanic realms, her creative channels were unleashed and colour born into her work.

Li Lian’s art is rich in symbolism and often explores her own personal transformative journey of healing with plant medicine. Her paintings combine her love for realism with fantastical and otherworldly realms. She is passionate about creativity as a potent tool for personal transformation and alchemy.