Lucie Bilodeau was born in Montreal, Canada, in May 1967. After spending 28 years living in the United States, she moved back to Canada in 2020. She has been making a living as a professional artist since 1993.
As a child, as soon as she was able to hold a pencil, she spent a good amount of her time drawing. She expressed her first serious interest in art when she was seven years old. When she was 14 years old she studied at Mission: Renaissance School in Montreal, Canada. She took courses that taught her traditional fine art skills, including an in-depth study of the masters: Rembrandt, Monet, Manet, Cézanne, Fantin Latour, and others.
“Since many of us have a very busy and often stressful life, it is important for me to bring the calming and rejuvenating effect of nature into people’s lives through my artwork.” Lucie Bilodeau