Katia Honour charts the co-creative relationships between ethereal and physical.Katia had always been a mystic, but could barely draw a stick figure! After a traumatic accident left Katia her with incurable disabilities, she travelled the world in search of an alternative. By chance, Western doctors prescribed rehabilitation by art therapy and Katia underwent psychedelic psychiatry on the side … and a visionary artist was born.
A German-Irish hybrid from Melbourne, Katia was raised with Fae and Catholicism among monasteries and churches. Trance-prayer and speaking to the Fae and angels was just a normal part of her childhood. By 14 she was reading tarot and training in esoterica, mystery schools and spiritualism.For employment, she wavered between social worker and travelling mystic working and training across Europe and Asia within Spiritualism, Alchemy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Witchcraft, Ceremonial Magick, Chaos Magick and Shamanism. “The journey of art began as meditation and re-integration for a wounded mind and body…. but I soon fell in love the disciplines of devotional painting.”