Paintings by Renso Castaneda

Renso Castaneda painting Renso Castaneda was born in Lima Peru in 1970 - Graduated from the National Superior School of Fine Arts of Peru.

Renso Castaneda was born in Lima Peru in 1970 – Graduated from the National Superior School of Fine Arts of Peru.

“ I started painting long ago, I do not remember exactly when, I remember it always had paintings at home; why? My mother is a painter and my father also an uncle and an aunt of my mother’s brothers . Not many people know about them, but living in the middle of the painting made for me almost impossible to choose another profession.

As a teenager I liked back of famous works, it is usual when one begins to paint, some did not were good, others if I liked a lot, but I esforze in all. A year after finishing secondary education enter the School of fine Arts from 1989 , hence I spent my time painting and the last 5 years teaching painting.” – Renso Castaneda