Marina Marina Igorevna
Marina Igorevna was born in 1970 in a small city called Tambov, in rural Russia. She started playing the piano at a very early age and was accepted in a special school for musically gifted children at the age of seven. After graduating from both musical and comprehensive school at 17, Marina went to work in order to earn a little money to continue her musical and general education in a college. She was hired by a nearby factory as an assistant to a graphic designer at the advertising department. And here quite unexpectedly Marina found out that she is a very talented designer and a fine artist. In 1990 she successfully entered the faculty of fine arts at Kostroma State Necrasov University. During her education, Marina was actively engaged in self-education, creativity meanwhile increasing her professional level, she tried her hand at different genres and technical skills. At this time, she joined an informal group of young Kostroma painters and took part in the Kostroma literary museum exhibition called “3+3”. Here she pretty early started to take part in art shows and different exhibitions of Kostroma Chapter of the Russian Artists Union.