Alexander Shubin is a Russian-Canadian artist who presently resides and paints in his art-studio in Ottawa, Canada. Alexander expresses his creative mind using a unique style and techniques which he has developed living and painting in Europe, but he is always in search for a new and original manner to express himself in art. In his works Alex often uses contemporary and surreal ideas and combines them with his extraordinary style.

Angels: (from the Latin Angelus meaning messenger) are a race of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men; described in Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, as well as in the Kabala. They are usually depicted with wings (but not always) and have no gender unless granted physical form in a mission to the Earthly realm.

Yuri Klapoukh was born in 1963. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of painting of V.I.Surikov in 1993. Professionally engaged in painting during 15 years. His favorite themes are Russian landscape, classical portrait and genre scene of the rural life. Took part in many group and personal exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections in the USA, Czechia, Poland, Austria, the Republic of South Africa and Germany.