Paintings by Cristina Fornarelli

Cristina Fornarelli painting ''To fully understand her paintings it is necessary to know her person because she, although hiding many aspects behind a shyness, appears as a sensitive woman and in constant search for freedom.'' - Daniele Radini Tedeschi, art critic

“I have known Cristina Fornarelli for several years now, that is from the moment we met at a Roman exhibition in which she exhibited a chair painted in a fairly pop style. From there a sincere friendship was born that often went beyond the circuits of art and painting, while remaining linked to the world of culture and Roman life.

To fully understand her paintings it is necessary to know her person because she, although hiding many aspects behind a shyness, appears as a sensitive woman and in constant search for freedom. The subjects of her paintings are always women in the balance, hanging on swings, suspended in the void, dancing in an indefinite space, precisely to underline this sense of ephemeral poise. Nothing is certain in those figures just glimpsed, caught in relaxed and nostalgic attitudes, everything seems crystallized and blocked.

Cristina paints remote-controlled dreams, in which she manages to slow down the flow of time as it can be done with a slowly rewound videotape. Linked to figurative painting, Cristina Fornarelli transforms tradition through a dreamlike and feminine taste strongly influenced by vintage advertising layouts, in which the subject wants to communicate emotions rather than convey content. ” – Daniele Radini Tedeschi, art critic

Cristina Fornarelli | Paintings For Sale