Paintings by Hannah Yata

Hannah Yata Painting Hannah Faith Yata was born on March 17, 1989 in Douglasville, Georgia, United States. She grew up with a deep love of nature and animals passed down by the beautiful surroundings in the country and her mother.

Hannah Faith Yata was born on March 17, 1989 in Douglasville, Georgia, United States. She grew up with a deep love of nature and animals passed down by the beautiful surroundings in the country and her mother.

As a young adult, Hanna Yata studied feminism, psychology, and art in college. Graduating with a Bachelor in painting she moved to New York City to be an artist.

In her paintings, Yata seeks to interweave the parallels of the unconscious with the struggle of the natural environment and how it relates to views regarding the body of the woman and that of nature. Her use of masks express different types of emotion and characters while incorporating her fascination with culture and tribalism. Body paint and designs play with a romantic idea of becoming more in touch with the earth and the life forces that dwell within, while also celebrating the feeling of energy and wildness.

“I think an image that arrests us, takes hold of our mind long after we have left its presence, and causes us to look at something deep within ourselves trying to search for the meaning—I think that is magic, and that’s the kind of magic that can make a difference in the world.” —Hannah Yata