Surrealism paintings by Johnny Palacios Hidalgo

Johnny Palacios Surrealism Painting ⓖ Johnny Palacios Hidalgo is a Peruvian painter born in El Callao in 1970, and who has studied art in the city of Lima between 1988 and 1998 at the National Museum of Art and the National School of Fine Arts.

Johnny Palacios Hidalgo is a Peruvian painter born in El Callao in 1970, and who has studied art in the city of Lima between 1988 and 1998 at the National Museum of Art and the National School of Fine Arts.

Since 1984 he has exhibited regularly, developing a surrealist style of hyperrealism full of powerful repetitive and unique images, highlighting feminine beauty and animal figures more or less fused with the environment or in hybrid fusions.

“I am trying to delve a little more into my technique, trying to find more details in hyperrealism in order to achieve and give greater veracity to the ideas that I propose, which are fantasies, surrealisms, ideas of an alternate, different world, parallel and ideal.

The characters I work with are still the same characters on the street to whom I try to ascribe my own fantasies as if they were theirs.Each painter has different styles, but the scenography, the façade and the floor are also in me. Salvador Dalí brought me back to my beginnings. I was nourished by his style, by his fantastic images and I started that way”.

In recent years Johnny has moved to Puerto Rico.