Born in Santa Clara, Villa Clara Cuba in October, 1989. “ My work opens a door to a dreamlike world, magical, idyllic, where I create a parallel universe, a personal reflection of reality. Not satisfied by the world we live in, I create a surreal refuge that helps me face everyday life.
The characters living there emerge from a personal unconscious state, converging in this esoteric world where they have conflicts, express their different ideas in their own language, have traditions and goals; all based on their individual essence. For me, every piece is a representation of a living memory. I remove organic and physical presences from my world and transfer them into this magical place as a creative recourse.
I believe that the influence received during childhood and throughout the years is relevant for one’s personal growth. As a child, I saw my father study the great artists from the Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque among others. He learned from them and then passed his knowledge to me as a teacher, showing me the processes with painting techniques, glazes, color, textures. At the same time, my imagination expanded seeing my mother giving life to characters from short stories and comic books.
As an actress performing in children’s theaters, her ability to communicate through puppets and marionettes foster my need to find spaces beyond reality. My grandmother’s children’s stories also influenced me; in them, we often held the leading roles. The series “A dream within a dream” births these characters by connecting ideas from my imagination with their own thoughts and desires” . – Luis E Toledo